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Who We Are: Parish Pastoral Council

"The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to attend to the spiritual needs of the parish in partnership with the local priests.  The work of the Pastoral Council is motivated by a desire to build up the Kingdom of God and enliven the faith of all the baptised living in the local community.  The Council maintains an overview of the whole parish and plans strategically to ensure that the faith of the community is nurtured and strengthened.  A Pastoral Council is distinguished from other community groups by its spiritual and pastoral focus.  Pastoral Councils are understood in the Code of Canon Law in the following context: "...a Pastoral Council is to be established in each parish.  In this Council, which is presided over by the parish priest, Christ's faithful, together with those who by virtue of their office are engaged in pastoral care in the parish, give their help in fostering pastoral action (c. 536 par.1)." 


(See Guidelines for Pastoral Councils.  Treoirlínte do Chomhairlí Tréadach. Archdiocese of Tuam, 2009.)


 Each Pastoral Council in the Parish has a four year term, with members serving no more than two consecutive terms.  The current term of the Parish Pastoral Council began in 2021 and expires in 2025.  The Pastoral Council meets every 4-6 weeks in the Presbytery and has representation from each of the Pastoral Groups in the Parish - Liturgy - Faith Formation -  Prayer- Eco Congregation - Youth - New Parish Members - Catholic Schools - Lecanvey church area & Drummin church area.


The Chairperson of the Pastoral Council is Kevin Barrett

The Secretary is Gertie Foley

The President is Fr. Charlie McDonnell

The Parish Pastoral Council can be contacted through the Parish Office.

St. Mary's Church, The Mall, Westport, Co. Mayo. F28 TN28.
Telephone +353 98 28871   



WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 10.00 – 3.00P.M.


©2009-2024 Westport Parish

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